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  • 1.  Conditional Logic Set - Field not hiding on PDF Output

    Posted 05-27-2022 09:40
    I have a text paragraph field with default text put into it.

    There is a previous checkbox (we'll call it Checkbox A), when checked will reveal it.

    I have about 10 other fields that also reveal when Checkbox A is checked....

    They are a combination of radio buttons, signature fields, blank data input....

    However, this paragraph field with default text is the only one that the conditional logic doesn't turn it off. It prints into the pdf document. I've been over the conditional logic many times and it still is not hiding under unchecked conditions.

    What could be going on?

    Is this a fail safe of the system that if a box has data, it reveals?
    ...I think I've experienced this before. Is there a work around?


    Kenny Anderson
    A+A Tree & Landscaping

  • 2.  RE: Conditional Logic Set - Field not hiding on PDF Output

    Posted 05-27-2022 10:56

    Hi Kenny, I just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly, can you confirm this statement?

    Conditional Logic is hiding the text area in the app but the text area is still showing in the PDF output and this Text Area contains default text.

    If this is correct, this may be a setting on the PDF document it self. See the screen shot below. As the Text Area contains a default value, it has been answered.

    To test this I created a single Checkbox question, a text area question with a default value and used Conditional Logic to show/hide it.

    Test 1: Checked box to show Text Area = Text area appeared on PDF

    Test 2: Did not check box = Text area appeared on PDF (which is what you are experiencing)

    Test 3: Checked box to show text area, deleted the default text, unchecked box to hide = Text area did NOT appear on PDF.

    So it the fact the default value counts as an answer to the question and the setting in the PDF, displays the answered question.

    I am not 100% sure on the workflow you have but to correct this in my example, I added an ELSE IF statement to the Conditional Logic that clears the default value if the Checked Box is unchecked.

    Stu Rathbone
    Program Manager ~ Knowledge, Training & Enablement

  • 3.  RE: Conditional Logic Set - Field not hiding on PDF Output

    Posted 05-29-2022 08:58
    Thanks for the response Stu.

    You have it correct what I am trying to do. doesn't seem to be working. If there is an answer, it gets displayed whether it is supposed to be visible or not.

    The Hide Unanswered Questions resulted in all my hidden fields being revealed. So that isn't going to work.

    Next Series of Attempts
    1. Put the text in as the question leaving the text field blank. Set the conditional logic to reveal when Check Box A is checked.
    - Didn't work, didn't show up on the PDF. Since there was no answer inserted, it didn't display on the PDF.

    2. Do an instructions box to reveal when checked. Set the conditional logic to reveal when Check Box A is checked.
    - Didn't work, didn't hide when the box was unchecked.

    3. Create a hidden field with the default contract language. Create 2nd field that is empty. Set conditional logic, is set to those hidden contract terms...else the field remains hidden. So I get around the answered question being displayed issue.
    - Works!

    Thanks for tipping me to alternative options for conditional logic!

    Kenny Anderson
    A+A Tree & Landscaping

  • 4.  RE: Conditional Logic Set - Field not hiding on PDF Output

    Posted 05-30-2022 08:50
    Edited by Karen Cann 05-30-2022 08:50
    Hi Kenny,

    Here's a topic that might help: How to: Ensure Information questions are always shown on documents ( This describes the interaction of a number of question and document-level settings. If it's missing some information that would be helpful to you, please let us know and we'll update it.

    If you want the question with the default text never to show in a PDF document, you can set the question itself to "Hidden on reports". You might also try making that question an "Information label" type.

    Best regards,

    Karen Cann
    Senior Technical Writer

  • 5.  RE: Conditional Logic Set - Field not hiding on PDF Output

    Posted 05-31-2022 12:19


    Just to come at this from a different angle, if you put the question(s) that you need to hide in the PDF into a section with any other questions that might also need to be hidden into a section (with a hidden header so that it is not apparent that there is a section in the app), using Conditional Logic, you can "Ignore" the section. Ignoring it will will hide all the questions in the Ignored section from the PDF. 

    Hope this helps!

    Ian Chamberlain
    Solutions Architect

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